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fusy, szumowina o ludziach inizia ad imparare
dregs (of life/of society)
załoga medyczna ustaliła że nawet dzień nie powinien byc stracony zeby wyslac mnie do Anglii. inizia ad imparare
a medical board determined that not a day should be lost in sending me back to England
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wydajac pieniądze latwiej/lżej niz powiniem. inizia ad imparare
spending money more freely than I ought.
musze wprowadzic zmiany w moim stylu życia inizia ad imparare
i must make a complete alteration in my style of living.
wydawal sie być zachwycony ze mnie spotkał. inizia ad imparare
he appeared to be delighted to see me.
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gather, collect in a large quantity. zgromadził olbrzymia ilość informacji inizia ad imparare
he amassed an enormous quantity of information.
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wydac z siebie, wypowiedzieć wydala z siebie odglos ulgi inizia ad imparare
she uttered a sigh of relief
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he aims at finishing tomorrow. we aim to please our customers.
nawiązując do, czyniąc aluzje inizia ad imparare
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you can unravel some knot which other men can make nothing of
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wystąpić, zdarzyć się/ przyjsc do głowy to take place/ to come into one's mind (+to) inizia ad imparare
The accident occured yesterday. An idea occured to him.
Przetarl oczy. koń potarl glowe o moja łopatke. inizia ad imparare
He rubbed his eyes. The horse rubbed its head against my shoulder.
domagać się czegoś, nalegać na inizia ad imparare
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a comment/to say, to comment inizia ad imparare
he remarked that she was good-looking
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gapić się, przyglądać się uporczywie inizia ad imparare
mozesz ominąć ost rozdział inizia ad imparare
you can omit the last chapter of the book
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rozważać, brać pod uwagę, uważać za uważają to za zbyt niebezpieczne inizia ad imparare
they consider it as too dangerous.
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