kregoslup, zebra, mostek

 0    6 schede    adammikulski
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inizia ad imparare
axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton
inizia ad imparare
vertebral column, 24 true vertebrae, 10 spurious vertebrae, cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx
budowa kręgu1
inizia ad imparare
vertebral body, vertebral arch, 7 processes, vertebral foramen, vertebral canal, pedicle, superior/inferior vertebral notch, intervertebral foramen
budowa kregu2
inizia ad imparare
lamina of vertebral arch, spinous process, vertebra prominens, 2 transverse processes, 2 superior/inferior articular processes
kręgi szyjne 1
inizia ad imparare
cervical vertebrae, rozdwojony s. process, c7 nie, uncus of body of cervical vertebrae, trójkątny vertebral foramen, t. process z anterior/posterior tubercles
krgię szyjne 2
inizia ad imparare
foramen transversarium tętnica 2 żyły kręgowe splot n.w., groove of spinal nerve, c6 carotid tubercle, 45 st

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