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Ostatnim razem, gdy je przygotowałeś/łaś, mama wybuchła złością inizia ad imparare
Mum blew her stack last time you made them
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Do you want to hang out with us after school
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She seems completely indifferent to what's happening around her.
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His honesty and integrity inspire trust among his colleagues.
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podejście, zbliżać się, metoda inizia ad imparare
The company decided to change its approach to customer service to improve satisfaction.
W końcu zrozumiał, dlaczego ona była zła inizia ad imparare
He finally figured out why she was upset
Ona wie, jak efektywnie zarządzać swoim czasem, aby spełnić wszystkie swoje terminy. inizia ad imparare
She knows how to manage her time effectively to meet all her deadlines.
delektować się czymś, cieszyc sie z powodu czegos inizia ad imparare
You should savor every moment of your vacation
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Pochmurna pogoda sprawiła, że wszyscy czuli się trochę smutni, ale jej skromny uśmiech rozjaśnił pokój inizia ad imparare
The gloomy weather made everyone feel a bit sad, but her modest smile brightened the room
Pochmurna pogoda sprawiła, że wszyscy czuli się trochę smutni, ale jej skromny uśmiech rozjaśnił pokój inizia ad imparare
The gloomy weather made everyone feel a bit sad, but her modest smile brightened the room
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She was convinced of his innocence despite the evidence
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We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
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The solution lies beyond the obvious
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There was a noticeable tension in the room during the meeting.
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If the symptoms persist for more than a few days, you should consult a doctor
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The unpleasant smell in the room made it hard to concentrate
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Despite her struggles with math, she continued to study hard
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After running in the cold, he felt a burning sensation in his lungs.
Ona jest zdolna do samodzielnego wykonania zadania. inizia ad imparare
She is capable of completing the task on her own
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Lemon juice is well-known for its high acid content
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The sugar started dissolving as soon as it hit the hot tea
Został nazwany tchórzem, ponieważ nie stanął w obronie swoich przyjaciół inizia ad imparare
He was called a coward for not standing up for his friends