kolos 2

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become familiar with new situation or experience
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take adventage of
use a chances you get
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take advanteges of oppurtinity
a problem that delayes or prevent progress, or makes things worse than they were
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set back
postition in wich you quickly have to learn sth difficult
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steep learning curve
finding out how sth is done
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learning the ropes
changed q person deeply f. e the way they understand the world
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have a profound effect
believe that your feelings are correct
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go with your gut feeling
skladnia skutek w terazniejszosci, jesli cos byloby inne teraznieejszosc takze by sie zmienila
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if+ past perfect + would+ present simple or continous
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chimney sweeper
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spadająca gwiazda
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a shooting star
trzymać kciuki
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keep our fingers crossed
szczesliwy grosz
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lucky penny
spiew ptaka
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cuckoo sound
witanie sie przez próg
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greeting at the eufrace
rozsypana sól
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spilled salt
i have done the most difficult part of work
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I'm over the hill
reached the peek
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become a number one
go downhill
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go badly
have to choose one thing or antoher
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i found myself at the crossroads
have a great future
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(I, you) will go far
difficult to accept
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hard to swallow
reproduce without thinking
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regurgitate the book
sth to think about
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just food for thought
badly thought-out
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half-baked idea

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