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wnioskowanie przyczynowe
How does causal inference help in data analysis?
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causal inference
Causal inference helps determine the impact of a change in one variable on another.
podstawowa analiza, analiza w najbardziej uproszczonej formie
What is a bare bone analysis?
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bare bone analysis
A bare bone analysis focuses only on the essential aspects of the data.
wymyślić, pojawić się
Can you come up with a solution to this problem?
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come up
During the meeting, he came up with a brilliant solution to the problem.
przetwarzanie dużej ilości danych, analiza liczbowa
What does crunching numbers mean in data analysis?
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crunching numbers
As a data analyst, he spends most of his time crunching numbers.
ramy, struktura, szkielet
Why is a framework important in software development?
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The team developed a new framework for evaluating customer behavior.
firma zajmująca się wyszukiwarkami internetowymi
Which search engine company is the most popular?
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search engine company
Google is the most well-known search engine company in the world.
współczynnik odrzuceń
What does a high bounce rate indicate?
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bounce rate
A high bounce rate may indicate that visitors are not finding relevant content.
przybić, opanować coś perfekcyjnie
How did she perform in the presentation?
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She nailed her presentation and impressed everyone in the room.
ograniczenia, restrykcje
What are some common constraints in project management?
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The project faced several technical constraints that had to be addressed.
zastrzeżenia, obawy, rezerwacje
Do you have any reservations about this strategy?
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He had some reservations about the new marketing strategy.
sztywny, nieelastyczny, rygorystyczny
Why are rigid policies sometimes problematic?
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The company's rigid policies make it difficult to implement changes.
przeprowadzać, prowadzić, zachowanie
How do you conduct a customer satisfaction survey?
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The company conducted a survey to analyze customer satisfaction.
wykorzystywać, stosować
How can machine learning be utilized in e-commerce?
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The system utilizes machine learning to optimize recommendations.
flota, szybki, zwinny
Why did the company expand its fleet?
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The company expanded its fleet of delivery vehicles to improve logistics.
objętość, masa, większość, kupować hurtowo
Why do companies buy in bulk?
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Buying products in bulk can significantly reduce costs.
niespójny, niekonsekwentny, sprzeczny
What problems can inconsistent data cause?
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The data in the report is inconsistent, making it difficult to draw conclusions.
spełniający swoją funkcję, mający zastosowanie
Why is a test environment only serving its purpose temporarily?
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serving purpose
The temporary database is only serving its purpose during the testing phase.
błąd, chwilowe zaniedbanie, upływ czasu
What is a lapse in security?
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A lapse in security allowed unauthorized access to the system.
data wygaśnięcia, moment zakończenia subskrypcji
What happens at a lapse date?
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lapse date
The user's lapse date was recorded when the subscription expired.
dojrzały, gotowy, odpowiedni (do działania)
Why is the market ripe for innovation?
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The market is ripe for new technological innovations.

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