klasa 7 strona 115

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Domanda Risposta
a piece of music
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kawałek muzyki
different groups of instruments
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różne grupy instrumentów
pitch is the level of the note
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wysokość to poziom nuty
it can be high or low
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może być wysoka lub niska
a regular time interval between them
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regularny odstęp czasu między nimi
string instruments
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instrumenty strunowe
double bass
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tight strings
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mocno napięte struny
loose strings
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luźne struny
xylophone, cymbałki
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ksylofon, cymbałki
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the piano has got 88 keys
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fortepian ma 88 klawiszy
a classical guitar has got six strings
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gitara klasyczna ma sześć strun
a trumpet has go to keys
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trąbka ma przyciski
the flute has got holes
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flet ma dziury
musicians blow into brass instruments
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muzycy dmuchają w instrumenty dęte
high and low pitched notes
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wysokie i niskie tony
high pitched sounds
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wysokie dźwięki

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