KKK Angielski 14.03

 0    10 schede    mateuszhildebrandt048
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Domanda Risposta
Don't touch the exhibit!
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Nie dotykaj eksponatu!
Don't leave your belongings unattended
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Nie zostawiaj swoich rzeczy bez nadzoru
I wouldn't dive here if I were you
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Nie nurkowałbym tutaj na twoim miejscu
I think you shouldn't lie to your parents
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Myślę, że nie powinieneś okłamywać rodziców
I don't think you should drink that liquid
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Myślę, że nie powinieneś pić tego napoju
You don't have to do it now
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Nie musisz tego robić teraz
Caution: wet floor
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Ostrożnie: mokra podłoga
Out of order
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Watch out! / Look out!
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Mind your step
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Uważaj na stopień

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