Kid cannabis CEO

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The first time I took cannabis I was seven
guz / nowotwór
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a tumour
I had bone tumours.
olej konopny
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cannabis oil
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znikać, odchodzić (ból)
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to go away
My pain and swelling went away.
napad (np. padaczkowy)
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Cannabis helped with my seazures.
stworzyć prwo
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to make a law
lecznicza marihuana
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medical cannabis
The law made medical cannabis legal for children.
to jest tylko lekarstwo
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it's just a medicine
cztery razy dziennie
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four times a day
to co robię jest właściwe
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what I'm doing is right
dużo pieniędzy / kupę pieniędzy
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buttload of money
It doesn't cost a butt-load of money
organizacja non-profit (o charakterze niezarobkowym)
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a non-profit (organization)
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to suffer
A lot of kids are suffering.
piętno (np. grzechu), znamię (czegoś)
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a stigma
He feels there is still a lot of stigma attached to being single. (NiV)
The stigma behind cannabis isn't true.
dyrektor zarządzający, prezes, dyrektor generalny
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