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a commercial
Skąd biorą się dzieci?
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Where do babies come from?
Jest planeta, która nazywa się Babylandia.
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There's a planet, it's called Babylandia.
wypełniony czymś
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filled with sth
It's filled with babies.
różnego rodzaju dzieci
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babies of all kinds
gdy czas jest odpowiedni
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when the time is just right
start statku kosmicznego
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a space launch
pomachać na dowidzenia
pomachać na dzień dobry
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to wave good-bye
to wave hello
wchodzić na pokład statku kosmicznego / samolotu
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to board a rocket ship / a plane
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to shoot off - shot off - shot off
wysoko do nieba
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high in the sky
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a space flight/mission (NiV)
They fly through space.
przebijać się, przedzierać, przedostawać się
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to penetrate
They penetrate the atmosphere.
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the atmosphere
wypuszczać coś / kogoś
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to release
They are released all over the place.
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all over the place
Ocean Indyjski
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the Indian Ocean
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a journey
a nine-month journey
Jake pwiedział, że...
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Jakes said (babies are made when mummies and daddies ...)
Puść (piosenkę) "Wheels on the Bus".
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Play "Wheels on the Buss".

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