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Noun 1. private interest; personal profit
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1. (formal) benevolent, (formal) benign, kind
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1. position, status, rank, standing,2. identity
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1. (사회적 지위) position, status, rank, standing, 신분이 높은 사람 a person of (high) position[standing; status] 2. (신원) identity 신분을 밝히다 reveal[disclose] one's identity
1. status, position, rank, standing
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1. closeness
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그들은 친분이 두텁다 They're very close. 그와는 개인적으로 친분이 있다 I know him personally. 그들은 수차례 만남을 통해 친분을 쌓았다 They became close after meeting up several times
orzeczenie(czasownik, przymiotnik)
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1. (문법) ending, end(ing) of a word
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Noun 1. suffix
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어떤 말의 뒤에 붙어서 뜻을 더하며 새로운 단어를 만드는 말. A word that is attached to the end of another and expands its meaning to form a new word.
Noun 1. adverb
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주로 동사나 형용사 앞에 쓰여 그 뜻을 분명하게 하는 말. A word that usually occurs before a verb or an adjective and specifies their meaning.
1. (자세를)2. lower, drop, reduce, bring down, turn down
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1.(자세를) 자세를 좀 낮추어 주시겠습니까? Could you bend your knees a bit? 2.(위치·수준 등을) lower, drop, reduce, bring down; (소리·열 등을) turn down 가격을 낮추다 lower[reduce; bring down] the price 3.(말·태도 등을) 그는 늘 상대방을 높이고 자신을 낮춘다 He is always humble and shows respect to others.
Verb 1. be sorted; be classified
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Noun 1. ordinary affair
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보통 흔하게 있는 일. A common occurrence.
1. class, grade, rating
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1. instructions2. stage direction
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1. (책의) introduction (to); (본론에 들어가기 전에 하는 말·행동) preliminary (to)
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서론은 생략하고 곧바로 요점을 말씀드리겠습니다 I'll skip the preliminaries and come straight to the point.

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