kgiua 20-2 기가 이를 데 없다

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1. [명사] performance, show, gig; (음악회) concert, [동사] perform, play
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1. scale, size
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1. huge, great, enormous, massive, tremendous, excessive; (가격 등이) exorbitant
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1. awesome grand, magnificent, imposing, majestic,
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기내에서 본 알프스산맥은 웅장했다 The Alps looked magnificent from the airplane. 애국가가 웅장하게 울려 퍼졌다 The Korean national anthem resounded magnificently. 우리는 폭포의 웅장함에 감탄했다 We were struck with[by] the grandeur of the falls.
1. clothes, dress, (formal) garment, (Am) apparel; (전통·무대 의상) costume; (개인 소유의) wardrobe; (집합적) clothing
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한복은 한국의 고유 의상이다 Hanbok is the national costume of Korea. 모델들은 무대 뒤에서 의상을 갈아입었다 Models changed their clothes backstage. 유명 배우들은 대부분 의상을 협찬받는다 Famous actors and actresses get most of their clothes sponsored
1. (신세) trouble
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폐를 끼치다 cause[give] sb trouble[inconvenience]
1. spectator; (골프의) gallery
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스탠드는 관중으로 꽉 들어차 있었다 The stands were packed to capacity with spectators.
przystąpić do czegoś", "podjąć", "stanąć wobec czegoś" lub "zmierzyć się z czymś"
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1. gentle, decent, respectable, well-mannered, (빛깔이) quiet
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점잖은 태도[목소리] a gentle manner[voice]
1. childish, immature, infantile, juvenile, babyish, (formal) puerile
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유치한 생각 childish[immature] thought[idea] 유치한 놀이 infantile[babyish] games 그의 농담은 유치하다 His jokes are puerile
1. cunning, sly, crafty, sneaky, wily, foxy, tricky
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1. person, character, figure, personage2. (인재)
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