kgiua 18장 시험

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1. (국회·지방의회 등의) member of a legislative body[assembly], (Am) assemblyman, assemblywoman, congressman, congresswoman, (Brit) Member of Parliament ((abb.) MP)
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1. pull, draw, tug, yank, jerk, strain, haul, tighten2. pull, draw
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Verb 1. climb a mountain
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Verb 1. despair
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1. cliff; (깎아지른) precipice; (바다·강 등에 면한) bluff
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Synonym 벼랑, 절벽
1. accuracy
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1. frustration, be frustrated, get[be] discouraged[disheartened]2. failure, breakdown, setback, fail, fall through, miscarry, suffer a setbac
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1. (심한 부상) serious injury[wound]; (의학) trauma
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wtedy/owczesny 1(명사)2. then, at that[the] time, in those days
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1. (명사) 당시의 국무총리 the then Prime Minister2. (부사) (그때) then, at that[the] time; (그 시절에) in those days 그 당시 나는 부산에서 살고 있었다 At that time, I was living in Busan.
1. disappearance, disappear, be[go] missing
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1. thoroughly
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1. (일정 범위의 어느 지역 전부) the whole area[district, region]
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1. barely, narrowly2. only, just, barely, no more than, at most
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1. suburb, outskirts, (Am, inf) the burbs
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1. residential area[street]
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집이 많이 모여 있는 곳. A place where many houses are clustered.
1. gu office, borough office
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1. (and) then, and
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1. lead 2. head 3. forerun 4. be at the head 5. be the first 6. take the lead[initiative]
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1. [명사] collection, fund-raising, [동사] raise, collect
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1. buy (in); (대량으로) buy (sth) up
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담배를 대량으로 사들이다 buy cigarettes in large quantities 부동산 개발업자들이 그 지역의 땅을 모두 사들이고 있다 Property developers have been buying up all the land in the area.
1. voluntary
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1. (시간이 빠르다) early, premature
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1. pursuit, chase, pursue, seek
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육체적인 쾌락을 추구하다 pursue hedonism 육체적인 쾌락을 추구하다 seek[be after] physical pleasures 모든 나라들은 자국의 이익을 추구한다 Every country pursues its own interests.
1. profit, gain, return, yield, (profit) margin
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이윤을 내다 make gains 그는 이윤을 남기지 않고 모두 팔아 버렸다 He sold everything without making profits. 나는 주식 투자로 꽤 많은 이윤을 남겼다 I got a fairly good return from my stock investments.
1. focus (on), concentrate (on)
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외형적 발전에 치중하다 focus[concentrate] on external development 그는 공부에만 치중하느라 건강 관리에는 소홀했다 Focusing only on his studies, he neglected his health. 그 팀은 경기 내내 수비에만 치중했다 The team only focused on defense throughout the entire game
1. remiss (※명사 앞에서는 쓰이지 않음) negligent, neglectful,
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손님을 소홀히 대접하다 treat one's guests poorly 그녀는 건강관리에 소홀했다 She neglected[was negligent in] her health care. 그는 요즘 가정에 소홀해졌다 He has become neglectful of his family nowadays
1. advance, put[bring] sth forward, make sth earlier, move up
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출시 날짜를 앞당기다 move up the release date 경기가 오전 10시 30분으로 앞당겨졌다 The game has been put forward to 10:30 am. 회의 일정이 사흘 앞당겨졌다 The conference schedule has been advanced by three days.

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