kgiua 18-1 끝에 2부

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diplomat Noun 1. diplomat
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wage increase 1. a wage increase 2. a pay raise
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임금 인상
repeat1. repeat
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해를 거듭할수록 as years go by 실수를 거듭하다 repeat a mistake 횟수를 거듭할수록 나는 그것에 익숙해졌다 In the process of repeating it, I got used to it.
1. labor and management, management and unions[workers]
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conflict1. [명사] conflict, (formal) strife, (formal) discord, (formal) dissension; (반목) feud
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wake 1. [동사] stay[sit] up all night
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agreement 1. agreement, consent, concurrence, agree, reach[come to] an agreement 2. settlement, settle
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Reach 1. reach, arrive 2. reach, arrive at, come to, attain
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Gymnastics1. gymnastics, gym, do gymnastics
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an iron will
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불굴의 의지
1. fighting spirit, fight
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투혼을 발휘하다 display one's fighting spirit
1. demonstrate, display, show, (formal) exhibit
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1. natural2. unartificial
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Noun 1. medicine; cure
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치료제를 개발하다 develop a medicine
Verb 1. be repeated; occur repeatedly
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1. concentrate (on), focus on, be absorbed[engrossed] in, devote[dedicate] oneself (to), be fully occupied with
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그는 그녀가 공부에만 전념할 수 있게 도와주었다 He helped her to focus only on her studying. 그녀는 공부에 전념하기로 결심했다 She decided to devote[dedicate] herself to studying. 그녀는 공부에 전념하기로 결심했다 She decided to give herself over to[bury herself in] studying. 지난 3개월 동안 그는 신기술 개발에만 전념했다
1. the press, the (mass) media
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1. the best (leading) actress award
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여우 주연상
She is an unknown[obscure] singer
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그녀는 무명 가수다

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