kgiua 17장 시험

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1. (사람의 힘)2. manpower, labor force
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(national) holiday
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A dish made by seasoning sliced or minced fish, meat, vegetables, etc., and coating them with wheat flour before frying them in oil.
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1. (사양하다) decline, refuse, reject, turn down
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그는 나의 제의를 고사했다 He declined[rejected] my offer. 그는 장관직을 고사했다 He refused to take office as a minister.
1. food, foodstuffs; (특히 여행을 위한) (food) provisions; (배급되는) rations
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식량난을 겪다 have difficulty obtaining food 유엔 세계식량계획 United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) 그는 일주일 분의 식량을 갖고 여행을 떠났다 He took a week's provisions on his journey. 식량을 보급하다 supply food 식량을 원조하다 provide food aid 식량을 확보하다 secure food
1. overflow; brim; spill2. exceed; be superfluous3. be crowded; be flooded; overflow
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1. bother[trouble; worry] one's head (about)
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골머리를 앓다
1. (표준) standard; (결정·판단 등의) criteria ((singular) criterion)
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1. ambiguous, vague (about), (formal) equivocal, uncertain, obscure, imprecise
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모호한 태도를 취하다 take[assume] an ambiguous[equivocal] attitude 모호한 태도를 취하다 maintain a(n) vague[uncertain] attitude 모호한 태도를 취하다 sit[be] on the fence 그는 내 질문에 모호한 대답을 했다 He gave an obscure answer to my question.
1. be pressed[pushed] for time2. be racing against time[the clock]
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시간에 쫓기다
1. academic background; educational backgkround 2. academic clique; school ties
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1. favorite store 2. regular customer; patron
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