Ketrin 9th Nov (45 min)

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Domanda English Risposta English
... events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an interruption
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This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working.
It had rained for four consecutive days. / Can they win the title for the third consecutive season?
to go down below the surface of water, mud etc
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to sink - sank - sunk
Their motorboat struck a rock and began to sink.
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in the end
... in front of the fire.
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A cat lay in front of the fire.
... on the desk.
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A pen lay on the desk.
to ... bricks
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to lay bricks
to lay - laid - laid
Anyway, I can't deceive him - it's against all my...
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Anyway, I can't deceive him - it's against all my principles.
a headteacher / a head
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a principal
He fished out a coin from his pocket.
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to fish sth out
a race in which runners have to climb over, under, or through a series of obstacles
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an obstacle course
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with grace

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