Ketrin 4th July

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Domanda English Risposta English
any of the large, flat teeth at the back of the mouth used for crushing and chewing food
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molar teeth / molars
to move your hand, a cloth, etc., backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing it
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rub sth against sth
Animals had been rubbing against the trees.
to take or pull something out, especially when this needs force or effort
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extract something (from somebody/something)
The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted.
something that is put inside something else, or added to something else
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an insert
These inserts fit inside any style of shoe.
the wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are connected to
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a small area of still water, especially one that is artificial
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a pond
made by people; not natural
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movement therapy
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one of the four pointed teeth in the front of a human’s or animal’s mouth
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canine / canine tooth
one of the sharp teeth at the front of the mouth that are used for biting. Humans have eight of them.
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incisor / incisor tooth
a tooth that is between the canine and molar teeth
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premolar / premolar tooth
the way the teeth meet when the lower jaw and upper jaw come together.
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