Keep in touch

 0    35 schede    gerardgruszka
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Would you care to comment on?
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Mogłabyś skomentować?
What's your view?
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Jakie jest Państwa zdanie?
Could you elaborate on that?
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Czy mógłbyś rozwinąć tę myśl?
In my judgment...
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W mojej ocenie...
I think it's essential to...
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Myślę, że istotne jest...
I get the impression that...
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Mam wrażenie, że...
I want to press the point that...
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Chcę podkreślić, że...
Strictly speaking...
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Ściśle mówiąc...
There is no doubt about it that...
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Nie ma wątpliwości, że...
In answer to your question
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W odpowiedzi na twoje pytanie
To be brief...
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Mówiąc krótko...
The point I'm trying to make is...
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Chodzi mi o to, że...
When it comes to me...
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Jeśli chodzi o mnie...
I'm of the same opinion
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Jestem tego samego zdania.
That sounds reasonable
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To brzmi rozsądnie.
I haven't the faintest idea about...
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Nie mam zielonego pojęcia o...
To be honest...
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Szczerze mówiąc...
Actually, I don't have any first-hand experience of...
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Właściwie, nie mam żadnego doświadczenia z pierwszej ręki...
That's a valid point, but...
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To ważny punkt, ale...
I am firmly opposed to the idea that...
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Jestem zdecydowanie przeciwny idei, że...
In the foreground we can see...
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Na pierwszym planie widać...
In the background there is...
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W tle jest...
The viewer's attention is focused on...
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Uwagę widza skupia się na.
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co więcej / prócz tego
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Niemniej jednak
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That reminds me of...
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To mi przypomina...
On the other hand,...
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Z drugiej strony,...
It's also true that...
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To także prawda.
How shall I put it?
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Jak by to ująć?
What I mean is...
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Chodzi mi o to że...
One example of this is...
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Jednym z przykładów jest
First of all
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Przede wszystkim
In spite of that
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Pomimo tego

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