Kasia, some words and phrases from our last lesson on 5th March 2021! I am sure you know most of these, but I have listed them to help your pronunciation! See you soon!

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Domanda - Risposta -
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I will be vaccinated
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Zostanę zaszczepiony
I won't transmit the virus
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Nie przekażę wirusa
I am asymptomatic
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Jestem bezobjawowy
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
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HIV Ludzki wirus niedoboru odporności
illnesses and symptoms
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choroby i objawy
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Why are they not looking for a medicine to cure Covid?
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Dlaczego nie szukają leku na Covid?
is there a hidden agenda?
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czy jest jakiś ukryty plan?
I have had the flu vaccine twice
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Dwukrotnie zaszczepiłem się przeciwko grypie
The cure was worse than the disease
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Lekarstwo było gorsze niż choroba
It is very important to maintain one's mental health
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Bardzo ważne jest, aby zachować zdrowie psychiczne
A nurse is an essential worker
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Pielęgniarka jest niezbędnym pracownikiem
I had a dry cough
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Miałem suchy kaszel
I have had Covid symptoms
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Miałem objawy Covid
The Black Death killed 100 million people, and there were only 400 million people on the planet at the time!
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Czarna śmierć zabiła 100 milionów ludzi, a w tamtym czasie na planecie było tylko 400 milionów ludzi!
I buy my fruit and veg from the Food Market.
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Kupuję owoce i warzywa na targu spożywczym.
Vinegar – brine makes cucumbers delicious...
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Ocet - solanka sprawia, że ogórki są pyszne.
I am a great chef!
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Jestem świetnym szefem kuchni!
I can make so many great things with an egg yolk. The yolk of an egg is delicious.
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Z żółtka jajka mogę zrobić wiele wspaniałych rzeczy. Żółtko jajka jest pyszne.
Would like some steamed eggs?
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Chcesz jajka na parze?
My Thermomix has so many functions!
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Mój Thermomix ma tak wiele funkcji!

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