Kasia 7th Aug (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
Wstawaj! Pobudka!
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Rise and shine!
Leje (jak z cebra).
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It's poring down
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a downpour
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a flood
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a meadow
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a field
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a downpour
We had heavy rain all day.
w porównaniu do wczoraj
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compared to yesterday
Pozdrów Albę.
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Give my love to Alba
100 lat!
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Many happy returns (of the day)!
rozmawiać z kimś
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to speak with AmE / to BrE
pospać dłużej
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to sleep in
zapamiętać coś
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to memorise sth
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a factor
przyczyna czegoś
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a reason FOR sth
dokonać zakupu
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to purchase sth
Musiałam sobie z tym poradzić.
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I had to deal with that.
Sytuacja była beznadziejna.
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The situation was hopeless.
to nie zależy ode mnie
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it doesn't depend on me / it's not up to me
Nie mam maginej mocy. / Nie umiem czarować.
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I have no magic powers.
Nie możemy nic z tym zrobić.
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We can't do anything about that.
Zdaję sobie sprawę, że...
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I'm aware that...
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at the latest
I'll get back to you on Monday at the latest.
Jestem pewna, że ona mówi prawdę.
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I'm confident that she's telling the truth.
w dodatku
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in addition
In addition to his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
in addition TO sth
Ceny ciągle wzrastają.
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The prices keep going up / increasing / rising / growing.
pozbyć się niepotrzebnych rzeczy
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to declutter
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the therapeutic benefits of herbs
mieć bzika na punkcie czystości
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a clean freak
nieskazitelny / bardzo czysty
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an immaculate uniform/room
w weekendy
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on weekends
We often catch up on weekends.
w weekend
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ON the weekend / AT the weekend

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