Kasia 4th May (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
On miała raka.
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She had cancer.
po drugie
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Firstly, they are not efficient, and secondly, they are expensive to make.
ona była nieprzytomna
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she was unconscious
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She was in pain.
u jej boku
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by her side
siedem lat temu
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7 years ago
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a godfather
On miał zawał.
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He had a heart attack.
dom pogrzebowy
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a funeral home
przebrać się
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to change your clothes
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Przykro mi z powodu twojej straty.
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I'm sorry FOR your loss.
wpaść na obiad / grilla
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to come round FOR lunch / / for a bbq
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to lie - laid - lain
wywoałać coś / sprowokować coś
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to trigger sth
Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies.
przywoływac wspomnienie
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to trigger a memory
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a physio
pozbyć się czegoś
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to get rid of sth
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The pain is managable.
Popracowałam w ogrodzie.
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I did some gardening.
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zamiatać śmieci
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to sweep up rubbish
Nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumiałam.
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I don't know if I got it right.
Nie dałam rady. / Nie wyrobiłam się.
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I didn't make it.
Nie dam rady dzisiaj wieczorem. / Nie wyrobię się.
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I will not make it tonight.
kolega z pracy
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a colleague
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a journal
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Jaki jest cel?
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What's the purpose?
mieć na coś ochotę
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to feel like doing sth
myjnia samochodowa
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a car wash
Wykorzystaj tę piekną pogodę na maksa.
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Make the most of this beautiful weather.
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to jest moja pięta Achilesa
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It's my Achilles' heel.
I think Frank’s vanity is his Achilles' heel.

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