Kasia 24th Jan 2022 (60 min)

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Domanda Risposta
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próbować coś zrobić
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to try TO do sth
od kilku tygodni
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for a few weeks
to jest trudne dla wszystkich
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it's tough ON everyone
This year has been tough on our family.
Nic dziwnego, że on nie ma pracy.
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No wonder he's got no job.
lepiej płatna praca
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a better-paid job
dostać podwyżkę
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to get a pay rise / pay raise
Dasz radę. / Uda ci się.
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You've got this.
Zgadzam się w zupełności.
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I couldn't agree more.
Pracuję nad tym od kilku tygodni.
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I've been working on this for a few weeks.
Czytam tę książkę od dwóch godzin.
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I've been reading this book for two hours.
Gotuję od 6 godzin.
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I've been cooking for 6 hours.
Mieszkam w Hiszpanii od 2010.
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I've been living in Spain since twenty ten.
reprezentować kogoś
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to represent sb
obecna sytuacja
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a current situation
załącznik, aneks
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an appendix
This document has an appendix with statistics.
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Inflation is now at over 16%.
7% podwyżka
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a 7%-pay rise
pozycja / rola
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position / role
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a tool
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The average cost of making a movie has risen by 15%.
w sezonie
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in high season
to zależy od warunków pogodowych
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it depends on the weather conditions
Jak długo pracujesz dla tej firmy?
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How long have you been working for this company?
w najgorszym wypadku
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if worse comes to worst / if worsT comes to worsT
We should be in when you arrive, but if worst comes to worst, the neighbors have a spare key and will let you into the house.
jeśli chodzi o...
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in terms of...
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coś jest w czyjejś naturze
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sth is in sb's nature
przełożyć na później
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to put off
I'd like to put our meeting off until next week.
do przyszłego tygodnia
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until next week
Przepraszam,że wejdę w słowo, ale...
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Sorry to jump in but...
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hold on / hang on
napisać wiadomość
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to flick a message
pominąć coś (np. Słowo w zdaniu)
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to leave out

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