Kasia 23rd March (60 min)

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Poszłam do lekarza.
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I went to the doctor. / I went to the doctor's.
nie tym razem
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not this time
Muszę przyznać, że...
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I have to confess/admit (that)...
I have to confess (that) when I first met Reece I didn't think he was very bright.
Czy chcesz upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu?
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Did you want to kill two birds with one stone?
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you only live once
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a palace
Byłam w Londynie kilka razy.
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I've been TO London a few times.
Jestem tu od dwóch tygodni.
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I've been here for two weeks.
nieodpowiedni / nie na miejscu
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His casual behaviour was inappropriate for such a formal occasion.
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a mole
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a mole
Kim chcesz być, gdy dorośniesz?
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What do you want to be when you grow up?
w pewnych przypadkach
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in some cases
On umarł bez wyrzutów sumienia.
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He died without remorse.
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What a dull film!
Ona nie miała żadnych wyrzutów sumienia...
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She felt no remorse (AT leaving them without notice.)
"bez uprzedzenia
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without notice
An inspection can take place at any time without notice.
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Porównywanie siebie do innych jest największą stratą czasu.
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Comparing yourself to others is the biggest waste of time.
Jaki ma sense ...?
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What's the point (of leaving at 6am?)
wady i zalety (najczęściej człowieka)
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strengths and weaknesses

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