Kasia 13th Oct (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
coś jest nie tak
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sth is off
to przynosi mi radość
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it brings me joy
jak na razie wszystko jest ok
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SO far SO good
rwa kulszowa
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to sweep
Ból jest do zniesienia.
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The pain is manageable.
Nie mogę znieść bólu.
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I can't stand the pain.
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white blood cells / leukocytes
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red blood cells / erythrocytes
wymaz z pochwy
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a smear test
mieć alergię na coś
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to be allergic to
niejednoznaczne wyniki testu
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inconclusive test results
skutek uboczny, zła strona, niepożądane skutki
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a flip side
We're now starting to see the flip side of the government's economic policy.
spotkać się z kimś
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to catch up with sb
Let's catch up this Friday, shall we?
nie wszystkim spodobał się ten pomysł
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not everyone was keen on this idea
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an altar
pod wpływem (alkoholu)
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under the influence
She was charged with driving under the influence.
główna siedziba
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headquarters / HQ
The firm’s headquarters is/are in London.
kraje bałtyckie
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the Baltic States
para z Nowej Zelandii
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a Kiwi couple

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