Kasia 10th Feb (45 min)

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Jestem taka zmęczona zimnem.
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I'm so tired of the cold.
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egzaminy końcowe
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final exams
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na farmie
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on the farm
targować się
a bargain (This coat was half-price - a real bargain.)
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to bargain
You can usually bargain with antique dealers.
czasowy / okresowy
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godny zaufania
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He seems to be trustworthy.
zdrętwiała mi noga
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my leg went numb
Mam tylko 3 zadania do wykonania.
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I have only 3 tasks to do.
przypominać komuś zrobić coś
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to remind sb to do sth
Remind me to give you the car key when I'm back home
wyjaśniać / rozwiązać (problem)
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to resolve
Have you resolved the problem of transport yet?
jak dotąd
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so far
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okno implantacyjne
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implantation window
How long is the implantation window?
nie spiesz się
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take your time
na całe życie
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for life
I believe marriage is for life.
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Let's meet up in Feb.
zagęścić coś
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to thicken sth
Thicken the sauce with a little flour.
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Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.
w podświadomości
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at/in the back of your mind
The problem was always at the back of my mind.
jest jak jest
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it is what it is
zdruzgotany, załamany, niepocieszony (o osobie)
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She was utterly devastated when her husband died.
Zasługuję na szczęście.
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I deserve to be happy.

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