kartkówka unit 5

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sb of the same rank or quality as you
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a rather poor country that is still trying to enhance its people's quality of life
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developing country
the condition in which people are very poor
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extreme poverty
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the fact that males and females are not considered equal
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gender inequality
not knowing to read or write
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on average
sources of energy that can replace themselves, such as the sun and the wind
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renewable resources
coal, oil, water, etc
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places and services for the protection of public health, e.g. toilets, refuse collection, etc
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sanitation facilities
environmentally- friendly development that can continue for a very long time
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sustainable development
the processes involved in dealing with sanitation
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waste management
a lot of garbage together in a heap
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a pile of rubbish
a letter paper wrapper with the recipient's address written on it
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addressed envelope
said to have happened
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pleasantly; in a friendly manner
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a small, usually dark, street behind buildings
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back alley
a plastic bag for the container where we dispose of rubbish
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bin bag
a municipality
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sth that irritates sb
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to move energetically and busily
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bustle up
an attractive grin
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charming smile
a friendly light-hearted conversation
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chit chat
fallen apart
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relating to a piece of writing and its meaning
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to refuse to acknowledge sth
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