kartkówka movies and reviews

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Domanda English Risposta English
napięcie narasta
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suspense builds up
niesamowity łańcuch wydarzeń
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an amazing chain of events
zadziwiająca oryginalność
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startling originality
brave or risky thing to do
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bold experiment
complete professional
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consummate professional
znakomity aktor/talented actor
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accomplished actor
cast full of famous peolple
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star-studded cast
olśniewająca wystawa czegoś
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dazzling display
very positive reviews
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glowing reviews
Total disaster
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unmitigated disaster
fully shaped by something/stworzony pod mocnym wpływem czegoś
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strongly influenced
throughly recommend
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highly recommend
stand the exicitement
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bear the suspense
have positive opinion about/respect somebody
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think highly
fatalna porażka
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dismal failure
cast full of famous actors
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all-star cast
utrzymywać uwagę
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hold attention

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