Karolina 9th Jan

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to put your feet up / to rest / to unwind
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to catch - caught - caught
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the other way round
Nic nie przychodzi mi do głowy.
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Nothing comes to mind.
to zabawki Radka i Rafała
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it's Radek and Rafal's toys
it's Radek's and Rafal's toys
nie spiesz się
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take your time / no rush
proszę (gdy, coś podajemy)
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here you are / there you are
zrobić komuś dzień / uszczęśliwić kogoś
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to make sb's day
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a sociologist
bardzo zmęczony
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very tired
wejść do + miejsce
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enter + palce
impreza sylwestrowa
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a New Year's Eve party
nie ma wyjątków
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there's no exceptions
skonany /bardzo zmęczony
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absolutely shattered
wszyscy byli zadowoleni
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everyone WAS happy

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