
 0    19 schede    michalnowak1
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Domanda Risposta
dać pozwolenie
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give permission (to sb)
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przydatne narzędzie
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a useful tool
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a lot of...
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a few
mam pytanie
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I have a question
nie mam odpowiedzi
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I don't have an answer
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Masz dwie przerwy - jedną o 11 a drugą o 15.
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You have two breaks - one at 11am and the second at 3pm.
Pierwsza przerwa trwa 30 minut.
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The first break is 30 minutes long.
Druga przerwa trwa 15 minut.
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The second break is 15 minutes long.
Toaleta jest w biurze.
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The toilet is in the office.
Bardzo dobrze pracujesz.
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You work very well.
po prawej
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on the right
po lewej
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on the left
Twój grafik jest na tablicy
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Your work time is on the board
Jeśli masz problem, przyjdź do mojego biura między 8 a 16.
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When you have a problem, come to my office between 8am and 4pm
Wiesz gdzie jest tablica?
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Do you know where the board is?
Wiesz co to jest 'board'?
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Do you know what a 'board' is?

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