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going towards a particular place, rather than returning from it
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to come or go back to a previous place
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a regular flight organized by the company that owns the aircraft
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the renting of a plane or ship
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a plane journey during the night, usually one that is over a long distance
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is a flight taken from an airport other than that from which the journey began and in a different airplane
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airlines which offer cheap flight tickets
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to (cause something to) become firmly fixed together, or in position, or closed
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to contain or be able to contain something
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seat right next to window
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on a boat, train, or aircraft
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a separate part of a piece of furniture, equipment, or a container with a particular purpose
personal electronic device inizia ad imparare
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happening or available during a flight
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a condition in which all movement or activity has stopped
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a continuous moving strip on which passengers' bags are put for collection in an airport
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the place in an airport where you get your cases and bags when you arrive after flying
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the general activity of moving from place to place
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the time when you travel from one place to another, but doesn’t include the time you stay there
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a long journey, not necessary for pleasure, especially by sea or in space. We don't talk about voyages very much in the present time, but historically they were very significant
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a short journey, or one on which you spend only a short time in another place, then come back
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a short journey made for pleasure, usually by several people together
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a journey made for pleasure, during which several different towns, countries, etc. are visited
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to go to see a person or a place for a period of time
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an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place which is not well known