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kiedy jadlem jeza kolec wbił mi sie w usta
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when I was eating a hedgehog, spike got stuck in my mouth
czy jeże lubią bimber
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does hedgehogs like bimber
nie zamierzam jesc tego jeza nie martw sie
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I'm not going to eat that hedgehog, don't worry
nie wolno jesc jezy
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you mussn’t eat hedgehogs
dorotka poszla do zoo zobaczyc jeza ale nie zobaczyla zadnego
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Dorothy went to the zoo to see a hedgehog but she didn't see any
jez mieszka w naszym ogrodzie od 3 lat
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hedgehog has been living in our garden since 3 years
jez został przywieziony przez mojego dziadka
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hedgehog was brought by my grandfather
jez ma piekniejsze i dluzsze kolce niz kaktus
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hedgehog has more beautiful and longer spikes than cactus
jesli zobacze jeza to zrobie mu zdjecie
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If I see a hedgehog, I will take a photo of him
gdybym mial jeza trzymałbym go w ogrodzie
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If I had a hedgehog I would keep it in the garden
gdybys nie poczestował jeza bimbrem to nie bylby tak chory
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If you hadn't given the hedgehog bimbrem, he wouldn't have been so sick
czy kiedykolwiek byles przebrang za jeza
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have you ever been dressed as a hedgehog
lepiej zebys nie przynosil do domu jeza
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you had better not bring a hedgehog to home
kiedy siedzialem w praku zobaczylem jeza tuz przede mna
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when I was sitting in the park I saw a hedgehog right in front of me
czy wiesz co jeze lubia jesc
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do you know what hedgehogs like to eat
czy wiedziales ile kolcow ma jez
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did you know how many spikes has a hedgehog
musialem pomoc przejsc jezowi przez ulice
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I had to help a hedgehog cross the street
zanim zrobilem fotke jez uciekl w krzaki
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before I took a photo the hedgehog ran away into the bushes
kiedys bawilem sie z jezem w ogrodzie kazdego lata
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I used to play with a hedgehog in the garden every summer

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