Jennifer Aniston and Emmy 2002

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Domanda Risposta
Jeśli mowa o zaufaniu
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Speaking of credit
Czy jest jakiś sekret?
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Is there a secreat?
Sprowadzacie mnie na ziemię
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You keep me grounded
Czas zabrać się za robotę
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It's time to get down to business.
Z głębi serca
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From the bottom of my heart
Masz do tej pory na koncie już dwa seriale
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You have had to succesful two series so far
Do tej pory najlepsze 9 lat w moim życiu
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It has been the greates 9 years of my entire life.
Żadnego z nas by tu nie było gdyby nie Wy.
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Any of us would not be here without you guys.
Zjadłabym coś
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I would eat something
Poszłabym tam
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I would go there
O wilku mowa.
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Speaking of the devil.
A propos
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Speaking of which
Najwyższy czas aby zrobić coś z Twoim angielskim
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It's hight time to do something about your English
Najwyższy czas
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It's high time to...
Nawiązując do tematu...
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speaking of...

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