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Domanda English Risposta English
lemme give ya my digits
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let me give you my phone number
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how do you do?
I'm with you on this matter
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I agree with you
We are on the same page
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We agree on the same subject
common grounds
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common interests
I get a kick outta ... sth
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I really enjoy... sth
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out of
I lost my train of thoughts
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Zgubiłem myśl
this popped into my mind
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came into my head
it's mixed blessing
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it has advantages and disadvantages
I'm dead sure
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100% sure
rack my brain
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use my brain
don't mention it/ anytime
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nie ma za co/ spoko luz
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hugs and kisses
I bet my dottom dollars that he will win the game
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Dam sobie rękę uciąć, że... on wygra grę
mark them down
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write down
jot them down
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write down
you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours
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you help me, I'll help you
you sold me
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I agree with you, you persuaded me
without a hitch
I fixed my computer and now it functions without a hitch
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without a problem
my foot has gotten asleep
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noga mi ścierpła
He rubs me the wrong way
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I hate him, he annoys me
what a bunch of noise
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what a bullshit
you are lying like a rug
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like professional
Don't lose it
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don't get angry/ control your emotions
When do you usually turn in?
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when you go to bed
He's a flake
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He's so unreliable
I'm all ears
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I'm listening intently
to bend sb's ears
Please, don't invite Johnson, because he will bend our ears during the journey.
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talk to much
lazy bones
He's a lazy bones
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very lazy
On jest śmierdzącym leniem
He's a bean-brain
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very stupid
He's so brainy
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I don't give a shit
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I don't care at all
to bone up on sth
I need to bone up on my English
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to study and improve
to beef up sth
I gotta beef up on my idioms
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to work on sth
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a place to crash
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an accommodation
to leg it to
Let's leg it to school
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to go to
Shake a leg!
Come on man, shake a leg!
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hurry up
Are you loaded?
He must be loaded.
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Are you rich?
drop-dead gorgeous
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Can I sponge a few bucks off you?
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Can ai borrow a few dollars from you?
I'm broke
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I don't have money
She is a real turn-on
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she's sexy
What's cooking?
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What's happening?
to be a big cheese
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to be the boss
Let's shoot the shit
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Let's talk about random subject
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Did you eat?
I had a blast
I had a blast 3 days ago at the party.
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I had a lot of fun
I'm wiped out
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I'm so tired
You comfy?
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Are you comfortable?
Let's flip a coin
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rzućmy monetą
hit the showers
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take the shower
He is a freeloader
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You have to do everything and he doesn't help at all
He doesn't even lift a finger
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He doesn't even move his ass
a bottomless pit
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sb who eats vigorously and has an insatiable appetite
fire up
fire up your skype
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turn on
I'm bummed
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I'm tired
you stuffed your face
Man, you just stuffed your face a few minutes ago!
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you ate
I have to take up arms and
I have to take up arms and start studying
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I have to get ready to
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very asshole and stupid
I'm not shitting you
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I'm not kidding
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stupid asshole or moron
I'm in a bad frame of mind
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I'm not in a good mood
idiot box
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I got your number pal
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I know what you will do
I got no quit in me
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I'm the kind of person who never gives up
I'm in a pickle
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I'm in a difficult situation
In a pigs eyes...
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in a jiffy
Please, send me the document in a jiffy.
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as soon as possible
fer ya
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for you

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