Issues Unit 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
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able to be easily physically or mentally hurt
found (verb)
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bring something into existence
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a television show, usually several hours long, whose purpose is to make money for charity
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surprising, and teaching you new facts about life, people, etc
traffic control officer
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a person who wears a uniform and controls traffic in a particular area
lollipop lady/man
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the old name for a traffic control officer
take a break from
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stop doing a particular activity for a period of time
directing traffic
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telling traffic to stop, wait or go
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make a noise with a car horn (US English)
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make a noise with a car horn (UK English)
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used to refer to an event in which each person taking part collects promises from people to give them money when they have completed the event:
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the space in a building between rooms
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not familiar with something, or not used to something
worn out
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when you are exhausted
to be bursting with energy
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when you have so much energy that you don't want to stop what you're doing
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money you give to charity
cake sale
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When people make cakes and sell them to raise money for something
pub quiz
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a popular UK activity where people in pubs compete in a quiz for prizes
present perfect simple
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Often used to describe recently completed actions
present perfect continuous
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Often used to describe repeated or continuous activities
Fair trade
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a way of buying and selling products that makes certain that the people who produce the goods receive a fair price
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information intended to advise people on how something should be done
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contamination of air, water, or soil
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the state of not having enough money
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when there has been very little or no rain for a long period
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when there isn't enough food to feed a population
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when it rains too much and water is everywhere
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movement of the ground because of seismic activity
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An exceptional wave caused by an underwater earthquake
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a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope

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