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paul uscira' stasera?
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is paul going out this evening?
quanto spesso piove?
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how often does it rain?
sarai qui domani?
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will you be here tomorrow?
dov'è andata?
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where has she gone?
ho visto Tom. Dove lo hai visto?
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I saw tom. Where did you see him?
eri in ritardo questa mattina?
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were you late this morning?
a che ora è andata a letto?
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what time did she go to bed?
perchè non mi hai telefonato l'altra sera?
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why didn't you phone me last night?
la tua macchina era danneggiata nell'incidente?
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was you car damaged in the accident?
dov'è john? perchè lui non è qui?
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where is John? why isn't he here?
a che ora parte il tuo treno?
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what time does your train leave?
come lo hai fatto?
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how did you do that?
il tuo ospite è gia arrivato?
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has your guest arrived yet?
cosa fai di solito al weekend?
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what do you usually do at weekend?
a che ora si è alzata?
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what time did she get up?
perche non dici la verita'?
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why don't you tell the truth?
cosa avevi per cena?
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what did you have for dinner?
a che ora si alza(lei)? lei si alza presto
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what time does she get up? she get up early
cosa stanno facendo i bambini?
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what are the children doing?
hai mai avuto una macchina rossa?
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have you ever had a red car?
quanto spesso guardi la televisione?
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how often do you watch television?
hai passato una buona vacanza?
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did you have a good holliday?
dov'è andato david?
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where has David gone?
paul abita qui vicino?
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does paul live near here?
quando saranno qui (loro)?
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when will they be here?

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