Irish guys

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Domanda English Risposta English
Jonathan Swift
Swift - Drift
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Gulliver's Travels
Swift - Drift
W. B. Yeats
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Lake Isle of Innisfree, He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
Molly Keane
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Good Behaviour, The Rising Tide, Time after Time
Oscar WildE
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The Importance of being Ernest, The Picture of Dorian Grey
Samuel Beckett
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Waiting for Godot
Bram Stoker
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Edna O'Brien OBE
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The Girl with Green Eyes, August is a Wicked Month, Casualties of Peace
George Bernard Shaw
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Man and Superman, Candida, Pygmalion
James Joyce
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Dubliners, Ulysess
Seamus Heaney
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Death of a Naturalist, North, Human Chain, Beowulf: A New Verse Translation
C. S. Lewis
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The Chronicles of Narnia, The Four Loves, The Screwtape Letters
Maeve Binchy
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Circle of Friends, Deeply Regretted By..., Scarlet Feather and Tara Road

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