Introductory words TO

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agree to
Yes, I 'll drive you home.
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zgodzić się na
He agreed to drive me home.
claim to
I've won 1000000
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demand to
He claimed to HAVE WON 1000000
offer to
Would you like me to help?
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He offered to help.
promise to
I'll meet you at the cafe.
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He promised to meet me...
refuse to
No, I won't do the shopping
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odmówić, nie zgodzić się
He refused to do the shopping.
threaten to
Be quiet or I will send you to your room.
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He threatened to send me to my room if I wasn't quiet.
demand to
Give me your wallet!
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He demanded to be given my wallet.
advise SB to
You should eat less junk food.
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He advised me to eat less junk food.
ask SB to
Could you open the window?
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He asked me to open the window.
beg SB to
Please, please don't hurt me.
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He begged me not to hurt him.
command SB to
Give all your money.
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He commanded me to give him all their money.
encourage SB to
You should study Maths.
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He encouraged me to study Maths.
forbid SB to
You mustn't park here.
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He forbade me to park here.
Invite SB to
Will you come to my party?
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he invited me to come to go to his party.
order SB to
Stop talking!
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He ordered me to stop talking.
remind SB to
Don't forget to feed the dog.
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He reminded me to feed the dog.
warn SB to
Don't touch those wires.
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He warned me not to touch the wires.

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