info sec 3 - computer security

 0    13 schede    klaraswiecicka1
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Domanda English Risposta English
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filters network traffic
proxy server
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disguisd IP addres of internal host
intrusion detection system
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monitors traffic, looking for attempted attacks
layer, physical
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eg lock
layer access control
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authentication, authorization
layer application
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security controls securing web servers, databases eg encryption
layer network
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ids/ips, secure protocols
layer host/platform
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hardening, password management, anti-virus
IT security
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computer and communication security
administrative security
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External and Fromal - Laws and regulations, GDPR, Internal - Guides and policies | Ecternal and Informal - values, attitudes, norms
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Only authorized parties have an access to an asset
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Only authorized parties can modify an asset
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Only authorized parties can use an asset

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