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(v) to learn something so that you remember it exactly
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(v) to learn something so that you remember it exactly (pv) learn by heart
I've memorized all my friends' birthdays.
wydawać się, wyglądać na to, że
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sound like/as if/as though
That sounds like a really good idea.
poprawiać, korygować, zmieniać
(v) to look at or consider again an idea, piece of writing, etc. in order to correct or improve it:
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(v) to look at or consider again an idea, piece of writing, etc. in order to correct or improve it:
His helpfulness today has made me revise my original opinion/impression of him. His publishers made him revise his manuscript three times.
korekta, poprawka, wersja poprawiona
(n) a change that is made to something, or the process of doing this:
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(n) a change that is made to something, or the process of doing this:
These proposals will need a lot of revision. He was forced to make several revisions to his speech.
(n) study of work you have done, in order to prepare for an exam:
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(n) study of work you have done, in order to prepare for an exam:
She did no revision, but she still got a very high mark.
kojarzyć (coś z czymś)
(v) to relate two things, people, etc in your mind
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(v) to relate two things, people, etc in your mind
Most people associate this brand with good quality.
zwracać uwagę (na coś), zapamiętać sobie (coś)
(phrase) to pay careful attention to something
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take note (of sth)
(phrase) to pay careful attention to something
Make sure you take note of what she says.
prawidłowo, odpowiednio
(adv) correctly, or in a satisfactory way:
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(adv) correctly, or in a satisfactory way:
examples required
nie ważne, nic nie szkodzi, mniejsza z tym
something that you say to tell someone that something is not important
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never mind
something that you say to tell someone that something is not important
"I forgot to bring any money." "Never mind, you can pay me next week."

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