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osiągnąć szczyt (osiągnięcie)
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be at one's peak
gospodarstwo domowe, domownicy
(n) a group of people, often a family, who live together:
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gospodarstwo domowe, domownicy in inglese
(n) a group of people, often a family, who live together:
By the 1960s, most households had a TV. household chores. household expenses. household waste
popularna postać lub marka
(id) someone or something that everyone knows
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a household name
(id) someone or something that everyone knows
Her TV roles made her a household name.
(n) the quality of being very famous for acting, singing, etc
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(n) the quality of being very famous for acting, singing, etc
mieć coś przeznaczone, ≈ coś jest komuś pisane
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be destined for sth; be destined to do sth
She was destined for a brilliant future.
ekipa, załoga
(n) a team of people with special skills who work together
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(n) a team of people with special skills who work together
Fire and ambulance crews were at the scene.
prześladować, śledzić
(v) to follow a person or animal closely and secretly, often to try to catch or attack them
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(v) to follow a person or animal closely and secretly, often to try to catch or attack them
She claimed that the man had been stalking her for a month.
poniżać, upokarzać
(v) to make someone feel stupid or ashamed
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(v) to make someone feel stupid or ashamed
How could you humiliate me in front of all my friends!

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