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Have you heard of this new product?
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Czy słyszała Pani o tym nowym produkcie?
"Pani" is a polite way to address a woman, a man would be addressed as "Pan"
Which colour do you like?
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Jaki kolor Pani chce?
"Pani" is a polite way to address a woman, a man would be addressed as "Pan"
If you have the warranty certificate we'll replace it.
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Jeśli ma Pani kartę gwarancyjną, wymienimy to.
"Pani" is a polite way to address a woman, a man would be addressed as "Pan"
We need an advanced payment.
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Potrzebujemy płatności z góry.
This product can be used in several ways.
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Produkt może być użyty na różne sposoby.
Please, tell me more about what you are looking for.
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Proszę mi powiedzieć więcej o tym, czego Pan szuka.
"Pan" is a polite way to address a man, a woman would be addressed as "Pani"
I think you haven't used anything similar before.
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Myślę, że nie używał Pan niczego podobnego wcześniej.
"Pan" is a polite way to address a man, a woman would be addressed as "Pani"
+13 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Everyday phrases in Polish"
(Un totale di 516 schede)

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