Idiomy ubranie 07.02.2019

 0    11 schede    agdorawska
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Domanda Risposta
fit like a glove
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pasuje jak ulał
pull socks up
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zakasać rękawy, wziąć się do roboty
to have sth up one's sleeve
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mieć coś w zanadrzu
hot under the collar
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at the drop of a hat
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to have sth under one's belt
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mieć w czymś doświadczenie
below the belt
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cios poniżej pasa
to get the boot
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być wyrzuconym
in sb's shoes
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w czyjejś sytuacji
to be out of pocket
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nie mieć pieniędzy
wear trousers in house
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rządzić w domu

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