Idiomy i frazy

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uczciwy / honest
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above board
have a false idea about sth / mieć mylne pojęcie
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bark up the wrong tree
być spłukanym / have no money
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be broke
be very lively / nie móc usiedzieć w miejcu
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be full of beans
out of favour / być na czyjeś czarnej liście
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be in sb's black books
owijać w bawełnę
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beat about / around the bush
in prison / za kratami
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behind bars
próżny, bufon, ważniak / boastful
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covered with bruises
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black and blue all over
wyjść na dobre
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blessing in disguise
a favourite person / złote dziecko
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blue-eyed boy / golden boy
jak grom z jasnego nieba
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bolt from the blue
sudden clear idea / olśnienie
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show neither loss nor profit / na zero
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break even
fed up; bored / znudzony
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browned off
słodzić komuś / flatter sb
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butter sb up
generally speaking / uogólniając
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by and large
złapać na gorącym uczynku
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catch sb red-handed
kropka w kropkę / very like like sb's parents
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chip off the old block
very expensive
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cost a bomb
damage one's hopes
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deal a blow to
to może potrwać / don't wait for sth
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don't hold your breath
be a tough businessman
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drive a hard bargain
say sth inappropriate / palnąć
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drop a brick
feel sth instictively
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feel in one's bones
get revenge / dać komuś za swoje
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get your own back
mieć bzika / have an obsession
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have a bee in one's bonnet
be very nervous about sth
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have butterflies in one's stomach
in writing
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in black and white
być w próżni, niepewny
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in the balance
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kick the bucket
make public / obnażać
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lay bare
confess / zrzucić z siebie
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make a clean breast of
make sb angry / doprowadzać do szalu
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make one's blood boil
without thinking about sth
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on the spur of the moment
suddenly and unexpectedly
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out of the blue
remind sb of sth
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ring a bell
be glad to see sb leave
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see the back of
deal with sth boldly and directly / chwycić byka za rogi
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take the bull by the horns
dull person who spoils people’s happiness
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wet blanket
act together to achieve sth / sprzymierzyć się
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make common cause with sb
stanąć na wysokości zadania
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rise to the challenge
remove suspicion, bad feeling / oczyścić atmosferę, rozwiać wątpliwości
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clear the air
from the beginning until now / od początku do teraz
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all along
nearly, almost / prawie
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all but
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all in
when everything is considered / podsumowując, generalnie
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all in all
yet, however / jednakże
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all the same
all together, in total / generalnie
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all told
be very precious to sb; be sb's favourite / być oczkiem w głowie
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be the apple of sb's eye
be very angry / być rozwścieczonym
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be up in arms
in spite of
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for all
I don't care
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For all I care
as far as I know
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for all I know
nieokreślony, niepewny
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in the air
take special circumstances into consideration / uwzględniać
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make allowances for
try to compensate for a past action / rekompensować
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make amends for
use to express anoyance / surprise
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off all people
because of
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on account of
under no circumstances / pod żadnym pozorem
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on no account
broadcasting / na antenie
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on the air
watchful and prepared / w gotowości
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on the alert
consider sth / brać pod uwagę
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take sth into account
give every exact detail / dawać wyczerpującą informację
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give chapter and verse
control, prevent from becoming too powerful / kontrolować, mieć kogoś na oku
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hold/keep in check
person with important job, position / gruba ryba
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big cheese
bravely accept criticism / brać na klatę
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take sth on the chin
keep changing mind / często zmieniać zdanie
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chop and change
make sb feel sympathy, enthusiasm / dać komuś powód do radości
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strike a chord
thing which make sth unusual, important / jedyna rzecz, która sprawia że coś jest warte uwagi
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claim to fame
admit the truth, confess / przyznawać się
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come clean
avoid sb / unikać, omijać szerokim łukiem
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steer/stay clear of
end association / rozejść się z kimś
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part company with
of no value, importance / mieć małą wartość
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of no/little consequence
be less thorough / pójść na skróty
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cut corners
not as good as people say, overestimated
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not all it's cracked up to be
restrict one's behaviour in some way / ograniczać kogoś
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cramp one's style
for this/that reason / ze względu na
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on this/that account
make sb eager to have, experience more / robić komuś apetyt
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whet sb's appetite
existing but not talking about / wisieć w powietrzu
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up in the air
halted temporarily / w zawieszeniu
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in abeyence
be homeless / nie mieć stałego miejsca zamieszkania
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be of / have no fixed abode
1. outdoors 2. travelling from one place to another / na walizkach
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out and about
in general way / ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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in the abstract
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of its own accord
stop arguing because there is no chance of agreement / pozostać przy własnym zdaniu
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agree to differ/disagree
have not paid the money they owe / zalegać
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in the arrears
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cast aspersions
be very expensive
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cost an arm and a leg
be surprised, confused / być w szoku, być zbitym z tropu
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be thrown off balance
być w pogotowiu
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on the ball
cruel and unfair / poniżej pasa
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below the belt
be extremely angry/excited / kipieć ze złości
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be beside oneself with anger/excitement
wait for good opportunity / czekać na odpowiedni moment
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bide one's time
not owing money / być na czysto
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in the black
być na minusie, mieć długi
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in the red
discover, explore sth new / odkryć, przetrzeć szlak
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blaze a trail
stop working properly (a machine, vehicle, etc.) / niesprawny
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on the blink
be rejected, ignored, no longer possible / nie liczyć się, pójść na marne
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go by the board
reduced to a minimum / ograniczony do niezbędnego minimum
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cut to the bone
prohibited, forbidden (place) / zakazany, wzbroniony
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out of bounds
ask sb to help with a problem / zasięgnąć opinii
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pick someone's brain

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