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Domanda English Risposta English
be down in the dumps
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be depressed
be on cloud nine
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be really happy
be over the moon
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be really really happy
have/get the butterflyin your stomach
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get nervous
go to pieces
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break down (your own)
home from home
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a place where we feels at home
feel at home
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feel comfortable
make yourself at home
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feel like in your own home
there's no place like home
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nie ma to jak w domu
a piece of cake
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really easy thing
burn the midnight oil
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work/learn till the late night
draw a blank
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mieć pustkę w głowie
feel out of your depth
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cant understand something
have a lot ground to cover
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have a lot to do
pass (sth) with flying colours
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zdać coś śpiewająco
you can't teach old dog new tricks
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nie przesadza się starych drzew
be snowed under with work
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być zawalonym pracą
breathe down sb's neck
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stać komuś nad głową
call it a day
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stop working for this day
climb the corporate ladder
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wspinać się po szczeblach kariery
do a hard day's work
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work hard all day
learn the ropes
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nauczyć się na fachu
make end meet
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związać koniec z końcem
pull a few strings
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wykorzystać nieformalne kontakty by coś załatwić
pull your weight
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przyłożyć się do czegoś
think on your feet
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think fast
unlock your potential
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uwolnić swój potencjał
be at each other's throats
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skakać sobie do gardeł
be on the same wevelength
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nadawać na tej samej fali
have a crush on somebody
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just crush
be in the pickle
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być w opałach, wpaść jak śliwka w kompot
eat like a horse
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eat a lot
full of beans
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pełen energi
go bananas
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become really angry
have too much on your plate
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mieć za dużo na głowie
it's not my cuup of tea
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not like something or not being interested in something
cost an arm and a leg
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cost a lot
at the crack of dawn
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o świcie
be in two minds about sth
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cant decide on something
a stone's throw from
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rzut beretem
live out of a suitcase
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żyć na walizkach
travel broadens the mind
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podróże kształcą
be an open book
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być otwartą księgą
by the book
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zgodnie z zasadami
every trick in the book
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all possible ways
it's music for my ears
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to muzyka na moje uszy, to nie bardzo cieszy jest przyjemne
take centre stage
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be in the centre of attention
as fit as a fiddle
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zdrów jak ryba
give sth your best shot
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dać z siebie wszystko
play by the rules
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postępować zgodnie z zasadami
skate on thin ice
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alive an well
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cały i zdrowy
as right as rain
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zdrowy jak ryba
be back on your feet
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wrócić do zdrowia
feel off-colour
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nie być w formie
feel under the weather
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źle się czuć
chin up
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głowa do góry
see eye to eye
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całkowicie się z kimś zgadzać
run out of steam
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opaść z sił, stracić motywację, wypalić się
till the cows come home
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bez końca w nieskończoność
feel like fish out of water
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czuć się nieswojo

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