
 0    5 schede    albertwalicki
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związać koniec z końcem
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make ends meet
Seventy-nine million Europeans have to make ends meet on only 60% of the average income of their respective countries.
zarywać noce
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burn the candle at both ends
Life today tends to make us burn the candle at both ends.
cel uświęca środki
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the end justifies the means
We face a potential enemy who, if it pays him, will stop at nothing and for whom the end justifies the means.
(sytuacja, praca, itd.) bez wyjścia, bez perspektyw
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dead-end (situation, job, etc.)
My career has hit a dead end.
na skraju rozpaczy, odchodzić od zmysłów
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be at one's wits' end
I'm at my wit's end.

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