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rozłąka sprawia ze kochamy mocniej
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absence makes the heart grow fonder
czyny mowia wiecej niz slowa
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actions speak louder than words
wszystko co dobre kiedys sie konczy
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all good things must come to an end
wszystkie drogi prowadza do rzymu
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all roads lead to Rome
wszystko dobre co sie dobrze konczy
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all good that ends well
nie wszystko zloto co sie swieci
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all that glitters is not gold
apetyt rosnie w miare jedzenia
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the appetite grows with what it feeds on
pozory myla
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beauty is only skin deep
lepiej pozno niz wcale
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better late than never
lepszy wrobel w garsci niz golab na dachu
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a bird in the band is worth two in a bush
nie szata zdobi czlowieka
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clothes do not make the man
nie mow hop poki nie przeskoczysz
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don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

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