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a DOG ear
A dog ear is a folded down corner of a book page.
something that is expensive and costs a lot of money to keep in good condition.
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a white elephant
Deceitful behaviour. Behaviour that is not acceptable, dishonest.
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monkey business
Stop the monkey business and get on with your work.
You get what you deserve (related to for example job).
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If you pay peanuts, you get monkey
to start a series of misfortunes.
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to open a CAN OF WORMS.
być wściekłym jak osa.
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to be like a bear with a sore head.
być przebiegłym jak lis.
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be as cunning as a fox/ be sly as a fox.
to give a false alarm
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cry wolf
I was crying wolf.
a dangerous or threatening place or situation
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the Lion's den
wait, slow down
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Hold your horses!
to be hard-working
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to be a busy bee
to be excellent or of an extremely high standard
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the bee's knees
It's none of your business.
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It's none of your BEESWAX.
When you are obsessed with something and you can't stop thinking about it.
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to have a bee in sb's bonnet.
I have a bee in my bonnet about learning English.
go straight toward something
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to make a beeline
when a person takes information and images typically from other people and uses them to create a new identity for themselves.
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He was being catfished by a cruel prankster.

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