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odpukać w niemalowane
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knock on wood
to stay away from someone.
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I would steer clear of him If I were you.
to have money to spend
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to have money to BURN
to have a lot of money
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to have deep pockets
to cross all boundaries
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to beyond the pale
Your rudeness is beyond the pale!
Masz to jak w banku!
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You bet!
płacić za siebie w restauracji
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go Dutch
być samotnym strzelcem
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be a lone wolf
wnieść coś do zespołu, sprawy
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to bring TO THE TABLE
to get some sleep (a noise a person makes while sleeping).
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to catch some Z's.
Jadę na oparach.
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I'm running on fumes.
trafić w sedno, w dziesiątkę
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to hit home/to strike home
to ask someone to leave immediately
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to send someone packing
She needs to send him packing.
myśleć nieszablonowo
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think outside the box
You're thinking outside box.
To jasne jak słońce.
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It's as clear as day
a very small amount compared to the amount needed
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a drop in the bucket (US)/ in the ocean (UK)
wypełnić lukę, zniwelować róznicę
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to bridge the gap
I need to bridge a gap in my knowledge of history.
to suddenly change what you are doing
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to shift a gear
to begin an activity or process
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to get the ball rolling
to be undecided about something
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to be on the fence
I'm still on the fence.
It's not difficult.
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It's not rocket science.
to die
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to kick the bucket
go to bed
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to hit the sack
niewielkie pocieszenie słaba pociecha
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cold comfort
to make someone very irritated, angry
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to drive sb's up to the wall
It's driving me up to the wall.
to get into a difficult situation in which you are in danger.
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to be in hot water
something is extremely boring
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to watch grass grow
It's like watching grass grow.
jestem na fali dobrze mi idzie
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I'm on a roll
mieć do kogoś słabość
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to have a SOFT SPOT FOR somebody
I have a soft spot for the wild drama.
to do or say something that is exactly right, trafić w sedno
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to hit the nail on the head
trafić w sedno, strzał w dziesiąkę
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to hit the spot
That bacon sandwich really hit the spot.
to overdo, to get overly excited about something
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to go overboard
Don't go overboard with food.
everything you have now has been given to you by someone else without any labor or sacrifice.
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everything handed to you on a silver platter
a situation that is not easy or comfortable.
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bed of roses
Farming is not a bed of roses.
to loose opportunity to do sth.
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to miss the boat
The point when a situation is about to get out of control and become violent.
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to reach the boiling point
to have the same kind of understanding about a situation as others do.
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to be on the same page
znaleźć pozytywną stronę czegoś
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to find a silver lining in doing sth
You find a silver lining in a snuggling up together.
żyć w chaosie
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to live in a lively circus over there
wymierzyć cios, przywalić, mieć dużą moc
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to pack a punch
Some expressions really pack a punch.

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