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Domanda English Risposta English
corner the market
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dominate sth/sm
be a big fish in a small pond
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be important but only in something small
sell like hotcakes
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sell verry well
get off the ground
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make sth successful
see it in black and white
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Have written confirmation not just a verbal agreement
The real highflyer
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be destinated to go to the top of a profession
get more bang for your buck
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get more value for the money you spend
put my foot in it
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accidentally do something embarrassing/anoying
get a piece of the action
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become involved in something exciting
Keep an eye on things
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look after things
Come under fire
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be criticised
Cook the books
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falsify the accounts
Be in the red
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be over budget
Make a killing
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make a large sudden profit
A level playing field
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A situation of fair competition
in the driving seat
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being in control
to be neck and neck
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to be at the same level as the competitors
flogging a dead horse
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wasting time on a hopeless situation
Keep an eye on the ball
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staying focused
a one horse race
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being the only competitor
move the goalposts
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change the rules in an unfair way

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