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Beat about the bush
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talking about some unrealted matters
build castles in the air
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make plans that can never be fulfilled
chew the fat
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talking about this and that
hold water
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sound true
let bygones be bygones
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forget about the quarrels and forgive each other
make the grade
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achive the required level of knowledge
paint the town red
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shake a leg
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hurry up
sign on the dotted line
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commit yourself to the rules unconditionally
overstep the mark
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behave in an unacceptable way.
Do bird
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serve a prison sentence
get cold feet
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being scared (stchórzyć)
get blood out of stone
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do something that is very hard to accomplish
cook the books
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fałszować księgi
feel the pinch
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experience hardship, especially financial
pay lip service
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to show respect to
pop the question
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ask someone to marry you
pull a long face
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make a sad face
right the wrongs
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naprawić błędy
square the circle
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try to do something that is very difficult or impossible.
Call sb's bluff
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to make someone prove that what they are saying is true
split hairs
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to argue about small details of something
break new ground
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do something completely different or you do something in a completely different way
follow suit
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to do the same thing as someone else
bear a grudge (against someone)
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to continue feeling an old resentment for someone
cluthing at straws
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chwytać się wszystkich sposobów
pour oil on trobuled waters
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to do or say something in order to make people stop arguing
sweat blood
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to make a great effort
get a word in edgeways
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contribute to a conversation with difficulty because the other speaker talks incessantly
pull your socks up
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to make an effort to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough
carry weight
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to be considered serious and important
get things off your chest
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to unburden oneself; to confess something; to criticize or make a personal complaint to someone
have an axe to grind
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have a private reason for doing or being involved in something
pick holes
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czepiać się
to hold something at bay
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To keep someone or something at a distance or from reaching full potency, especially in order to prevent harm to oneself
drop a brick
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to do or say something that makes you feel embarrassed
leave no stone unturned
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to do everything you can to achieve a good result, especially when looking for something
put up the shutters
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close buisness
let the cat out of the bag
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revealed a secret
drawn a blank
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failed to obtain what he has been striving for
feathered his nest
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gained riches in a dishonest way
cut his losses
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given up participation in an unprofitable activity
hit the roof
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turned very angry
got the chop
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been fired from work
jumped the gun
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started doing something before the set time
carried coals to Newcastle
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brought something of which there is enough
turned over a new leaf
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started behaving better
rack your brains
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to think very hard

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