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Domanda English Risposta English
someone who listens to your problems
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a shoulder to cry on
agree with someone
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see eye to eye
disagree with someone
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no love lost
very strongly dislike someone
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hate someone’s guts
talk about a problem they have been avoiding
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clear the air
stop fighting or quarreling
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bury the hatchet
settle an argument
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patch up our differences
people who have had good and difficult times together
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through thick and thin
people who have similar personalities spend time together
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birds of a feather flock together
help other people to cooperate and understand each other better (e.g. a mediator)
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build bridges
stop being influenced by a person or group
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cut loose
a friend who disappears when you have problems
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fair-weather friend
have similar interests
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get on like a house of fire
be treated unfairly or badly
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get a raw deal
follow the general tendency and go along with whatever happens
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go with the flow
respecting one another’s privacy hepls create a good relationship between neighbors
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good walls make good neighbors
join two people who have a romantic relationship and want to be alone
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play gooseberry
difficulty of coordinating a situation which involves people who all want to act independently
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like herding cats
be involved in a romantic relationship
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be an item
know someone very well
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know someone inside out
not allow urself to be too friendly with them
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keep at arm’s lenght
be very respectful and submissive, giving way to their wishes in order to please them
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kowtow to others
disagree very strongly with someone
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be at loggerheads
socialize with similar people
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move in the same cycles
do not know someone very well but know well enough to greet them
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on nodding terms
have a romantic relationship with a much younger person
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rob the cradle
have an opportunity to meet with someone wealthy/famous
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rub shoulders
want to stay friendly with both sides of an argument
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run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
have the sane understanding/ think in a similar way
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be on the same page/wavelength
a person with whom u have a long-term relationship e.g. a spouse
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significant other
a short-lived marriage that ends in divorce with no kids
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starter marriage
a relationship with many arguments and disagreements
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a stormy relationship

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